Derivation of Lens and mirror formula X Reflection and Refraction of light


The relation between object distance(u), image distance(v) and the focal length (f) of the mirror is known as MIRROR FORMULA.

Consider a concave mirror MM' (of small aperture).

An object AB of height h is placed on the left of the mirror beyond its center of curvature so that the image formed is real, inverted and diminished in size(height = h').

Here :

Object distance = PB = -u

Image distance = PB'= -v

Focal length = PF = -f

Radius of curvature = PC = -R

As shown in Figure, Δ ABP ∼ Δ A'B'P.

∴ A'B'/AB = PB'/PB

∴ A'B'/AB = (-v)/(-u)

∴ A'B'/AB = v/u.............(I)

Similarly, as shown in the figure, Δ ABC ∼ Δ A'B'C.

∴ A'B'/AB = CB'/CB

∴ A'B'/AB = (PC-PB')/(PB-PC)........[as CB'=(PC-PB') and CB=(PB-PC)]

∴ A'B'/AB = [-R - (-v)]/[-u - (-R)]

∴ A'B'/AB = (-R + v)/(-u + R)........(II)

By (I) & (II),

v/u = (-R + v)/(-u + R)

∴ -uv + vR = -uR + uv

∴ vR + uR = 2uv

∴ (vR/uvR) + (uR/uvR) =2uv/uvR.......[Dividing each side by uvR]

∴ (1/u) + (1/v) = (2/R)..............(III)

Now, for an object placed at infinite distance (u = ∞), the image is formed at the focus F (v = f).Thus, eq.(III) reduces to

(1/∞) + (1/f) = (2/R)

∴ (2/R) = (1/f)....................(IV)

comparing eq.(III) and (IV),

(1/u) + (1/v) = (1/f)


The relation between object distance(u), image distance(v) and the focal length(f) of a lens is known as LENS FORMULA.

Consider a (thin spherical) convex lens MN (of small aperture).

An object AB of height h is placed in front of the lens MN beyond 2F on its left side.

The image A'B' formed by the lens is real, inverted and diminished in size (h').


Object Distance = OB = -u

Image Distance = OB' = +v

Focal Length = OF = +f

As shown in figure, Δ ABO ∼ Δ A'B'O

∴ (AB/A'B') = (OB/OB')

∴ (AB/A'B') = (-u/v) _______________(I)

Similarly, Δ OCF ∼ Δ A'B'F

∴ (OC/A'B') = (OF/FB')

∴ (AB/A'B') = (OF/FB')........(as AB = OC)

∴ (AB/A'B') = (OF)/(OB' - OF)

∴ (AB/A'B') = (f)/(v - f) __________(II)

From Eq. (I) and (II), we have

(-u/v) = (f)/(v - f)

∴ -u(v - f) = vf

∴ -uv + uf = vf

∴ (-uv/uvf) + (uf/uvf) = (vf/uvf)...(dividing by uvf)

∴ (-1/f) + (1/v) = (1/u)

∴ (1/f) = (1/v) - (1/u)

This is known as LENS FORMULA.


  1. For some value of angle of incidence, the angle of refraction becomes 90°.The angle of incidence for which the angle of refraction is 90°, is called CRITICAL ANGLE.

    If the angle of incidence is greater than the critical angle, the angle of refraction becomes greater than 90° and the refracted ray is confined to the same medium only.This is called TOTAL INTERNAL REFLECTION.


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