Chemistry IX Chapter - Matter in our surrounding ASSIGNMENT -1, (2012-13)

Sadhana Devi Vidyapith, Samastipur  ASSIGNMENT -1, (2012-13) 
Sub. – Chemistry, Class   IX  Chapter: Matter in our surrounding
NOTE  : Q 1 to 15 carries 2 marks each & Q 16 to 25 carries 3 marks each
Q.1 Some substances cannot exist in the gaseous state, other cannot exist in the liquid state, and some cannot exist either in the gaseous or the liquid state. Giving suitable examples. Justify the above statement?
Q.2 A student spilled a bottle of ammonia in one corner of the laboratory. Soon the whole laboratory was filled with pungent irritating smell. The students immediately opened the windows and doors and switched on the exhaust fans. After sometime, student got relief. Explain what did actually happen?
Q.3 Carbon dioxide which is a gas under normal conditions of temperature and pressure can be liquefied by compressing it to 70 atm at ordinary temperature. What happens when pressure is suddenly released?
Q.4 What is the difference between a gas and a vapour?
Q.5 Ordinary water boils at 100 degree Celsius. Can it be made to boil at 95 degree Celsius or 105 degree Celsius?
Q.6 Which state of matter is characterized by the following properties:
a) A substances with a fixed arrangement of particles.
b) A substances that has large distances between the particles.
Q.7 “On blowing air into a balloon, It inflates.” Explain Why
Q.8 why do we call sponge a solid even it is easily compressible?
Q.9 Arrange the particles of the three states of matter:-
a) In order of increasing randomness. b) Decreasing order of inter particle distances.
Q.10 Even 2-3 cups of potassium permanganate can impart colour to a large volume of water which characteristic property of particles of matter is illustrated by this observation?
Q.11 What are the two factors responsible for interconversion of matter?
Q.12 How boiling is different from evaporation. Give two points.
Q.13 What is diffusion? What are the factors on which rate of diffusion depends.
Q.14 When a liquid boils, its temperature remains the same, so where does the heat go?
Q.15 Give Reason.
a. Camphor disappears with time without leaving any solid.
b. On a hot sunny day, people sprinkle water on the ground.
Q.16 (a) Name the state of matter in which
i. Layers of particles can slip and slide over each other
ii. Particles just more around randomly, because of very weak force of attraction.
(b) List two ways by which a gas can be converted into a liquid.
Q.17 Explain any three factors which affect the rate of evaporation.
Q.18 Give reason:-
a. Rubber band is a solid but it can change its shape on stretching.
b. Sponge is a solid yet we are able to compress it.
c. Clothes dry faster on a windy day.
Q.19 After rains, wet roads dry quickly. Why?
Q.20 How dos perspiration or sweating help in keeping our body cool on a hot day ?
Q.21 Define the terms –
a) Latent heat of Fusion b) Latent heat of vaporization c) Melting point. and Boiling Point
Q.22 Why clothes dry faster when we spread them out.
Q.23 Equal amount of water & alcohol are separately placed in two identical petri dish . Which will evaporate faster – water or alcohol . Why ?
Q-24 Differentiate between solids, liquids and gases on the bases of:
a) Density                                 b) compressibility                          c) Kinetic Energy          d) Shape & volume                  e) intermolecular forces                  f) Fluidity
Q25 In a hot summer day. Priyanka & Asha are wearing cotton & nylon clothes respectively. Who would be more comfortable & why?
For more assignment Visit : jsuniltutorial and Chemistry Adda


  1. Q6. a} solid state
    b}gaseous state

  2. Q8. we call a sponge, solid object because it maintaines a shape of it own.

  3. Q12.
    1.It is a surface phenomenon. takes place at any temperature below its
    boiling point. is a quite process.
    BOILING is a bulk phenomenon. takes place at the boiling point only. is a vigorous process.


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