IX Biology:Extra marks Guess Solved Question paper : Cell and its Function
IX The Cell & Fundamental Unit of life Question : Why is the cell known the 'fundamental and structural unit of life ' Ans: ell is called as the structural and functional unit of the living organism because it the smallest living entity that is capable of an independent existence. Separated cell organelles cannot be said to be living and are not capable of independent existence. Question : what is a semi permeable membrane? what are the differences between semi permeable membrane and selectively permeable membrane? Ans: a semi permeable membrane is a membrane that allows only the entry of substances that are helpful for the body. a semi permeable membrane is also called a selectively permeable membrane. Question : Which cell in the human body does not have the mitochondria? Ans: Mature erythrocytes don't have mitochondria Question : What are plastids? Write their functions? Ans: Plastids are double membrane organelle...