A. Answer these questions 1. Name the three life process help living being to procure energy from food? Answer: Three life processes that help living organisms to procure energy from food are: (i) Digestion (Nutrition) (ii) Respiration (iii) Transportation 2. What are Autotrophs? Name an organism other than other than green plant that is an autotroph. Answer: Autotrophs are organisms that can prepare their own food. Chlamydomonas is a type of green algae which is an example of an autotroph, other than green plants. Cyanobacteria are also an example of autotroph. 3. Name three type of heterotrophic nutrition Answer: Three types of heterotrophic nutrition are: (i) Saprophytic nutrition (ii) Parasitic nutrition (iii) Holozoic nutrition 4. What are enzymes? Answer: Enzymes are chemical substances that act as biological catalysts and are important for carrying out biochemical processes, such as digestion, in our body ...
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