Magnetic effect of current class 10 Eduscore Questions with solution

Question :1     A proton enters in a straight line in a uniform magnetic field along the field direction. How will its path and velocity change?
Answer:    As the proton is moving along the field direction, thus no force acts on it and the velocity and the path will not change. It will keep on moving with the same speed along the field direction.
Question :2     A positive charge is moving vertically upwards in magnetic field towards south. In which direction will it be deflected?
Answer:    If positive charge is moving upwards the corresponding current is also upwards, the magnetic field is towards south. Using Fleming’s left hand rule force is towards east and deflection towards east.
Question :3     Free electrons always keep on moving in the conductor. Even then no magnetic force acts on them in a magnetic field. Why?
Answer:    In the absence of external potential difference the motion of the electrons inside the conductor is totally random. Thus although the electrons are moving their velocity comes out to be zero. Thus, magnetic force which acts on them will always be zero.
Question :4 What is the nature of the magnetic field generated by a current carrying straight conductor?
Answer:    The magnetic field of long straight conductor is in the circular magnetic lines of force. The center of these imaginary lines lies on the wire. The plane of magnetic lines of force is perpendicular to the length of the conductor and is given by right hand thumb rule.
Question :An electron and proton enter a uniform magnetic field perpendicular to the direction of the field with same velocity. Will the force on them be same?
Answer:    Yes, the force acting on them is equal in magnitude but the direction of force will be different[opposite]. Also, the radius of the path followed by both will be different as radius is directly proportional to the mass of the charged particle.
Question :6     What is magnetic lorentz force?
Answer:    The force acting on the charge particle moving inside the magnetic field is called magnetic Lorentz force. F = qvB sin q is the magnitude of the force.
 Question :7 Under what conditions electron moving in the uniform magnetic field experiences maximum force?
Answer:    The electron experience maximum force when moving inside the magnetic field if the velocity of the electron is perpendicular to the direction of the magnetic field intensity.
Question :8 Under what condition the force acting on the charge particle in the magnetic field of intensity B minimum?
Answer:    The force will be minimum if the charge particle moves collinear with the direction of magnetic field intensity i.e. either parallel to the field or antiparallel to the magnetic field.
 Question :9     An electron is projected with its velocity in the direction of the magnetic field. Will its motion be affected?
Answer:    No the motion of the electron will not be affected by the magnetic field as the charge particle moves parallel to the direction of the magnetic field the force acting on the charge particle is zero.
 Question :10 Why to solenoid tends to contract when current passes through it?

Answer: When current flows through the solenoid the current in the adjacent turns is parallel to each other. Since parallel currents attract each other they tend to come closer. Thus, solenoids tends to contract when current flows through it.

Searches related to magnetic effect of current class 10
magnetic effect of electric current class 10 notes

magnetic effect of electric current class 10

magnetic effect of electric current class 10 ppt

study material for magnetic effects of electric current class 10

questions on magnetic effects of electric current

application of magnetic effect of electric current

mcq on magnetic effects of electric current
magnetic effects of electric current summary


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