Class VI- Science Worksheet and Test Paper

Chapter 5: Separation of substances
Chapter 7: Getting to Know Plants
Chapter 8: Body Movements
Chapter 9:  The Living Organism ans their surrounding
Chapter 5: Separation of substances
I. Fill in the blanks
1: Sand can be separated from water by the process of _______________________________.
2: Common salt is obtained from sea water by the process of __________________________.
3: Husk is separated from rice by the process of _____________________________________.
4: Stones can be separated from rice by the process of ________________________________.
5: Grains can be separated from stalks by __________________________________________.
6: To separate tea leaves from tea we use a _________________________________________.
II. Answer in one word
1: Name the method used to separate pebbles or stones from sand.    ________________.
2: Name the method used to separate oil from water.    ______________________.
                 III. Define the following
1: Threshing         2: Handpicking       3: Filtration       4: Saturated solution
                 IV. Distinguish between
1: Evaporation and condensation.   2: Sedimentation and decantation.
                 V.   How is common salt obtained from the sea water? Explain.           
VI. Draw and label the following diagrams.
1: Process of filtration using a filter paper.
2: Process of Evaporation.
1 The innermost part of a flower is called ____________________
2 Plants synthesis food by the process of _____________________
3 Plants with green tender stems are called ___________________
4 The pattern of veins on the leaf is called ___________________
5 The broad green part of the leaf is called ___________________
6 The part of a leaf by which it is attached to the stem is called _____________
1. Any two creepers.___________________  ____________________
2 Two types of root systems _______________________ ____________________
3. Three types of plants _______________  __________________  ______________
4 Two types of venation _____________________ ______________________
1 Ovary is a part of stem._____________
2 The stem helps in holding the plant firmly in the soil.___________
3 Leaves give out water vapour through the process of transpiration._______________
4 Plants with weak stem that cannot stand upright and spread on the ground are called ___
5 Plants can carry out photosynthesis without carbon dioxide._______________
1 Herbs       2 shrub                  3 tree 4 Creeper    5 climber     6 venation
7 photosynthesis             8 transpiration
1 Taproot system and fibrous root system
2 Reticular venation and parallel venation
3 Roots and stem
4 Herbs, Shrubs and Trees
CHAPTER: 8 Body Movements 
I)             Fill in the blanks : 
1.    The bones are moved by alternate _______ and of __________ of two sets of muscles.
2.    Snails move with the help of muscular ___________________________.
3.    Fish swim by forming __________ alternately on two sides of the body.
4.    The body and legs of cockroaches have hard coverings forming on outer ___________.
5.    Snakes ________ on the ground by looping sideways.
II)           Distinguish between the following : 
1.    Ball , socket joint and Hinge joint.
2.    Bone and Cartilage.
III)         Define
1.     Skeleton
2.    Ribcage
3.    Joint
IV)  Answer the following questions :
1.    Name the different types of joints in our body.
  2.    Write the adaptation of a bird. 

 I.Fill in the blanks:
1.    Fish have ____________shaped body that helps them to move inside water.
2.    Small changes that take place in the body of a living organism over a short period to overcome to some problems due to changes in the surrounding are called ________________.
3.    In the mountain regions, the trees are normally ______________ shaped.
4.    The process of producing more of their own kind by the living organisms is called ________________.
5.    Frogs have ____________feet that help them to swim in water.
6.    Dolphins and whales breathe through _______________.
7.    The process of getting rid of wastes by the living organisms is called ________________.
8.    The stems of aquatic plants are long, ______________ and _____________.
9.    During respiration, organisms take in  _____________ and give out ___________.
10.  Exchange of gases in plants take place through the tiny pores on the leaves called ___.
II. Write true or false:
1.    Several kinds of plants and animals share the same habitat:
2.    The light brown skin of the lion helps it to become a predator in the grassland:
3.    Desert animals like snakes and rats come during the day:
4.    The animals which cannot adapt to changing abiotic factors of a region die out and only adapted ones survive:
5.    Animals living in mountain regions have thick skin or fur:
6.    Plants donot show respond to stimuli:
7.    Some plants remove some of their waste products as secretions :
8.    Camels  excrete large amount of urine and their dung is wet:
9.    Plants carry out photosynthesis only during the daytime and respiration only at night:
 III. Name the following:
           1. Two terrrestial habitats.
          2. Two aquatic habitats.
          3. Two plants and two animals of mountain regions
          4. Four important abiotic factors needed for growth of plants
          5. Breathing organs of fish and earthworms.
          6. Any three modes of reproduction by plants.
  IV. Define the following:
i.             Adaptation
ii.            Stimuli
   V. Distinguish between:
                 i. Biotic and abiotic factors.
                 ii.Terrestrial organisms and aquatic organisms.

VI.   Draw, colour and label:
              1) a desert plant.                                    2) an aquatic plant
Stick pictures of any two plants and two animals belonging to each of the following habitats:
     1. Deserts                                  2. Mountain regions 
     3. Grasslands                            4.   Ponds/lakes. 


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