Human Eyes ,Reflection and Refraction Physics Class X

NCERT Solution, MCQs, Study Notes, Q & A
Question: What is the minimum distance between an object and its real image in case of a concave mirror?
Ans: The object and the image, both are at the centre of curvature of the concave mirror. The image formed is real and inverted.  The minimum distance  between object and its image =  0 units
Question:  Why is the refractive index of atmosphere different at different altitudes?
Ans: it is because it is a mixture of differnet particles and gas molecules which often has diff. refractive indices
Question:  When a light ray passes obliquely through the atmosphere in an upward direction, how does its path generally change?
Ans: When a light ray passes obliquely through the atmosphere in an upward direction, it 's path changes due to atmospheric refraction. This refraction happens because each atmospheric layer has a different optical density, due to which its path changes.
Question:  State two factors on which the lateral displacement of the emergent ray in a rectangular glass slab depends for an oblique incident ray on the opposite face
Ans: The thickness of the glass slab and the optical density of the glass slab affect the lateral displacement of the emergent ray.
Question:  Between which two points related to a concave mirror should an object be placed to obtain on a screen an image twice the size of the object?
Ans : Between center of curvature and Principal Focus


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