VI (6th) Fun with Magnets MCQ’s

CBSE - Class 6 - Science Chapter :Fun with  Magnets
Multiple choice Questions

(1) When a magnet is suspended freely it always aligns itself in --------  direction?
a) North      
 b) N-S         
c) N-W       
 d) N-E
(2) ---------- is the only natural magnet.
a) Magnetite       
 b) Ebonite     
c) Cobalt     
d) Nickel
(3) Which of the following cannot be used to make a magnet?
a) Cobalt            
 b) Iron                     
c) Ebonite    
d) Steel
(4) Which of the following is not a non-magnetic substance?
a) Glass                     
b) Wood       
c) China ware          
d) Nickel
5) Which of the following gets attracted to a magnet?
a) Copy book           
b) Silver spoon          
c) Comb        
d) Common pins
(6) When a magnet is placed on  a plastic plate with common pins spread on it, then  ----
a) Pins stick all around the magnet        
b) Pins stick at the middle of the magnet
c) Pins stick at the ends of the magnet    
d) None
(7) The North end of the freely suspended magnet points towards -------?
a) Geographical North   
b) Geographical South 
c) Geographical East   
d) Geographical West
(8) The south pole of the freely suspended magnet points towards -------?
a) Geographical North
b) Geographical South 
c) Geographical East   
d) Geographical West
(9) like poles of magnets -------- each other.
a) Attract          
b) Repel         
c)Both a and b       
(10)  Unlike poles of magnets -------- each other.
a) Attract          
b) Repel        
 c) Both a and b        
d) None
11) ------------ is the surest test of magnetism.
a) Attraction       
 b) Rotation      
c) Repulsion       
d) None
(12) When a N pole of a bar magnet is brought near the north pole of a freely suspended magnetic needle, then it -----------?
c)It rotates  
(13) When a S pole a magnet in brought near the N pole of a  freely suspended magnetic needle, then it -----------?
a) None 
 b) Repels  
 c) It rotates  
d) Attracts
(14)____________is a device used by pilots and navigators used to find the direction.
a) barometer       
b )thermometer     
 c) magnetic compass       
 d) none
(15) Magnetism of a magnet is lost by doing which of the following acts
a) Keeping in a box       b)Heating          c)Hammering          d)Both b and c
(16)Which of the following gets demagnetised when a powerful magnet is kept near it
a) Plastic ruler      
b)Compact disc     
 c)Glass tumbler          
(17) Which of the following does not get demagnetised when a powerful magnet is kept near it
b)music system    
c)Cell phone    
(18 ) electric bell is an example of _____________magnet.
(a) Bar magnet     
b) Cylindrical magnet        
d)Horseshoe magnet
(19)______________ type of magnet is used  in cranes to lift heavy containers from ships.
a)Bar magnet     
b)Cylindrical magnet        
d)Horseshoe magnet
(20) The nerves in our body transmits messages as __________
a) Electrical impulses      
b) Radio waves        
c) Electromagnetic waves   
 d) None 
1)b 2)a 3)c 4)d 5)d 6) c 7)a 8)b 9)b 10)a 11)c 12)b 13)d 14)c 15)d 16)b 17)d 18)c 19)b 20)a
CBSE VI Chapter: Fun With Magnets Link for further study
VI Science Fun with magnet Test Paper -1
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VI Science Fun with magnet Test Paper -2
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6th science Magnetism CBSE Test Paper -3
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6th science Magnetism Solved Questions
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Multiple Choice Questions


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